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Farming is one of the few industries that’s yet to be taken over by major, faceless corporations. Even now, about 97% of American farms are owned by families … from family partnerships to individuals to corporations owned and operated by families. That’s a lot of responsibility for people to undertake, especially in the cases of smaller farms run entirely as family businesses. One of the most important of those responsibilities is ascertaining that your farm and all that is connected to it … including people … are properly insured.
Health Insurance Is A Necessity For Farmers
It’s estimated that two in five Americans under 65 have health insurance provided by their employers. For some farmers, however, health insurance may be a bit more difficult to navigate. If you run a family … owned and operated farm, it’s important to make sure that not only your employees but you have proper health insurance. You can find affordable, quality health insurance at the health insurance marketplace, and may be able to get good rates for your business. With almost one … third of Americans saying that they need more life insurance in 2015, you may also want to consider getting life insurance. Both health and life insurance, as well as disability insurance, are especially valuable to farmers who spend a lot of time physically working at a job that can be potentially dangerous.
When Farming, You Should Look Into Crop Insurance
Did you know that in 2014, 1.2 million crop insurance policies were sold? They protect over 120 different crops covering a total of 294 million acres. Any good farmer knows that a number of unpredictable things can happen to your crops, and one bad natural disaster can potentially destroy a year’s worth of crops. For many farmers, that’s their income … gone. Thus, it’s a good idea to have your crops insured as quickly as possible. Furthermore, if your farm relies upon animal products, you can look into livestock insurance.
Make Sure To Expect The Unexpected
Due to the unpredictability and naturally precarious nature of the farming industry, farmers would be wise to have as much insurance protection as possible. If you are renting your property, you would be wise to consider renters insurance, and car insurance is a necessity for any vehicles used. You’ll rest easier knowing that should the worst happen, you have back … up support. With the proper insurance, you can focus on doing the best job possible and running a quality farm.