Statistics show that anywhere between six to ten purchases inside of a store are impulse buys. You’ll want to ensure customers have plenty of opportunities to find out about a store’s products. It’s understandable to wonder what retail display ideas your store needs to have. One great way to increase awareness of products in the eyes of customers is using a shop display stand. You’ll find retail display stands used all across the world. Here are four important benefits of shop display stands.
- Designed to Catch the Eyes of a Customer
Statistics show that 77% of consumers visit a store to go shopping. You’ll want to ensure you have retail displays set up to catch the attention of your customers. Many display stands feature brighter colors that are easy to see. In addition, it’s important to ensure the text on display stands is easily seen by all shoppers. - Made to Your Specifications
It’s wise to work with a company offering customized retail displays, ensuring you have displays made to your needs. A shop display stand can be made to feature certain color schemes and pictures in its overall design. - Inclusion of Additional Information
Customers will find that, if an item is completely sold, they can still learn information from the display. Many companies include information that relates to the benefits and features of a product. One common inclusion to make is mentioning if a product is new. Many customer feel compelled to purchase a new product in order to try it out. - Potential to Increase Revenue
Many people visit the supermarket to try new item they’ve never had before. In other cases, a customer may have had a bad experience with an old brand and is looking to make a switch. Having a shop display stand set up allows customers to gravitate towards a new display. You might find that customers quickly make the switch to a product on display simply because it is there.
In summary, there are several beneficial reasons for your shop to utilize display stands. One important feature of a shop display stand is how well these items attract customers. We’ve all found ourselves staring at a store display when we came to shop for something entirely different. You’ll find that a shop display stand is able to be made to your specifications. It’s common for companies to want to include branding information on a shop display stand. These stands are great for including additional information about a product. Many store owners find that implementing display stands help to increase business revenue. Statistics show that shoppers make 82% of their buying decisions inside of a store. Including display stands in your store will help ensure customers continue to view and grab items from them.