Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Portable Employer of Record

It cannot be a lot of stress and pressure for a small business owner to deal with responsibilities like payroll, human resources, worker’s compensation, taxes, etc. Handling accounting and taxes can be particularly difficult if the business owner does not have much experience with financial bookkeeping. Employer of record services or professional employer organizations can … Read more

The Four Best Services Your Certified Financial Advisor Can Provide

Hiring a certified financial advisor to provide counsel and advice for one’s finances is becoming more and more popular. Most people who seek a financial advisor do so for help with building their investment portfolio or with saving up for retirement. And while working with your financial advisor on investing and saving for retirement are … Read more

Put Your Commercial Real Estate Investment in the Right Broker’s Hands

Even though one of the most stable investments you can make in the U.S. is commercial real estate, you don’t want to be too cocky about your expenditure, unless you place it in the right hands. Commercial real estate developers will typically know which properties will give you a return on investment, and properties that … Read more

Achieving Financial Freedom Through Debt Management Services

Getting out of debt may seem like a daunting task, and many are not quite sure where to begin. Between tempting too-good-to-be-true credit card and loan offers, and a tough economic climate with fewer jobs, many Americans find themselves burdened by debt. According to a recent study, American consumers are a whopping $11.13 trillion in … Read more

Investing in REITs

How to invest in REITs. First and foremost, what are REITs? REITs are real estate investment trust. REITs are companies that own and in some cases work on real estate that produces income. A few REITs are involved in real estate financing. REITs own several types of commercial real estate including hotels, hospitals, warehouses, shopping … Read more

Why Small Businesses Can Benefit From Outsourcing Payroll

Small business owners often think, when they start up a business, that small tasks like employee payroll processing won’t be a big issue. But many businesses find out that these tasks can become very complicated, very quickly. Here are a few reasons why outsourcing payroll services can be invaluable for small businesses, whether business owners … Read more

Structured Settlements What to do When Injured on the Job

Getting injured on the job is never something you want to think about, but it couldn’t hurt to know what your options are if an accident does happen and you end up getting hurt. Protect yourself and your family, and opt for a structured settlement. What are structured settlements? Structured settlements are a type of … Read more

4 Ways Your Payroll Program Could Be Working Against You

If you are a business owner and you manage your own employee payroll program, there are a few mistakes you could be making without even realizing it. Sometimes all it takes is a second look at your payroll program to make sure that it’s running efficiently, but sometimes it means that you need to start … Read more