We have all heard about the sorry state of social security, that there will probably be no more social security retirement benefits by the time today’s younger workers reach age 65. A recent survey of working Americans showed that nearly 30% of them are afraid that will not be able to enjoy comfortable retirements.
While many working Americans think their financial futures look bleak, that does not mean that all of today’s retirees are exactly living it up. Even though social security remains available for current retirees, almost half of them could be categorized as “economically vulnerable.” This could be attributed to a number of reasons, but the bottom line is that they could have made wiser financial decisions during their working years.
Perhaps many retirees placed too much faith in social security or their pensions. It is also possible that the recession of 2008 and 2009 adversely affected those pensions. Regardless of the reason, every person should take steps to secure their retirements apart from social security and their employer pensions. After all, anything can happen between today and 20, 30, or 40 years down the line.
It is always smart for ever American worker to look into Individual retirement accounts, or what the IRS refers to as Individual Retirement Arrangements. Just as their name suggests, IRAs are financial arrangements that workers can set up for themselves as a means of solidifying their retirements. Using self directed IRA to buy real estate can be an excellent way to invest in stable assets that can be liquidated quickly.
By contacting a non recourse lender, American workers can participate in self directed IRA lending to invest in real estate. This is achieved by using nonrecourse loans to invest in real estate that has shown the most growth potential. Thus, instead choosing riskier form of portfolio investments, today’s American workers can breathe easier knowing that there is significantly less risk that their investments will decrease in value.
Given the relatively low average price for new homes today, using self directed IRA to buy real estate is one of the wisest investments you can make. Thus, by securing an IRA non recourse loan, you will also be securing you financial future.
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